Advanced Thin Brick Calculator

Estimating an EZ-Wall system thin brick project

1. Measure the width and height of all areas to be covered. Multiply width by height to determine the Square feet to cover of the surface area.

2. On outside corners, you will use special corner thin bricks which will give the appearance of full depth brick (vs. inside corners, which just use flat brick veneer butted together). Estimate the corners required by measuring the total height of the outside wall corners to be covered. This will equal the number of linear feet of corners* needed.

3. Since the outside corner bricks will cover some of the flat surfaces, we need to subtract them from the Square feet to cover required of flat brick veneer. To do this, we multiply the linear feet of corners* by .75, then subtract from the Square feet to cover to give you the actual needed of Square feet of flat brick needed for flat brick veneer.

*By example, the linear feet of the corners would include all of the outside corners in the project, measured from floor to ceiling (or ground to roof) and added together. If you had two corners in your project with a height of 10 feet each, you would have 20 linear feet of corners.

4. It is recommended that you over estimate all materials by 10% to account for breakage, special cuts, etc.

5. Ambrico EZ-Wall Panels:

  • For this calculator, we are estimating our 4’x4′ EZ-Wall Panels. To get the calculation, we take the ‘Square feet to cover / 16, and then round up’.
  • To estimate the amount of EZ-Wall Mastic required, we take ‘Square feet to cover / 16, rounded up to nearest multiple of 12’.
  • For Ambrico Mortar, the calculation is ‘Square feet to cover / 30, rounded up’.
  • Starter Strips assume the Length of surface number entered represents a surface which will require a starter strip, and is calculated by the formula ‘Length of surface/10, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10’.

6. Calculations are determined as follows:

  • Square feet to cover = Length x Height
  • Square feet of Flat Brick = (Length x Height)-(.75 x Linear feet of Corners)
  • Number of Flat Brick = ((Length x Height)-(.75 x Linear feet of Corners)) x 7 [rounded up to whole number]
  • Number of Corner Bricks = Linear feet of Corners x 4.7 [rounded up to whole number]
  • EZ-Wall Panels = (Length x Height)/16 [rounded up to whole number]
  • EZ-Mastic = (Length x Height)/16 [rounded up to multiple of 12]
  • Ambrico Mortar = (Length x Height)/30 [rounded up to whole number]
  • Starter Strip = Length / 10 [rounded up to whole number]
  • Weight of Flat Bricks = Number of Flat Brick x .82 lbs. [rounded up to whole number]
  • Weight of Corner Bricks = Number of Corner Bricks x 1.2 lbs.[rounded up to whole number]
  • Weight of EZ-Wall Panels = Number of EZ-Wall Panels x 14 lbs.
  • Weight of EZ-Wall Mastic = Number of EZ-Wall Mastic x 12.5 lbs.
  • Weight of Ambrico Mortar = Number of Ambrico Mortar x 50 lbs.
  • Weight of Starter Strips = Number of Starter Strips x 4 lbs.

**All weights are estimates

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